19th PoStoh no this blog's gonna be dead...this is adrian ang btw....so i shall bring it to life...i was lookin through the b'days and i found out two peopos birthdays have passed and we havent sing birthday song for dem yet...so to Yi Jia and Shi Yun....HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO!!! happy birthday to you..happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you two...happy birthday to you....YEAHS!!! come on clap!! *claps* lol im lame...haha....
united we are ; 10:34 PM
PoSt #14
Okayye, I guess I've gotten your attention. I have some photos here, and I think some people would be interested in them. I even took pics from 1 Graciousness... And there's a surprise for u!! So stay tuned...

Okayye. This is their anime. It's very nice. But there's no colour. That's the only thing that's not very nice about it. But I know our class has an anime artist expert too! YAY, XIN YUN!

This is their cow. Heard from Ashley(1G) that this cow committed suicide alot of times already. I mean like, it keeps dropping down. But I think it's cute...

This is a pic of 1 Graciousness' notice board. It's very nice too, don't you think? But I like the cows at the side more, although this year is the ox year... But the only thing is, it's like the other classes' ones. All red and shiny... So unlike ours... OUR'S UNIQUE!!!

This is um, a wooden table outside the library. I don't really know how to describe it, so best is you just see it for yourself. There are lots of drawings and scribbles on top. Although it's sort of messy, I think it's cool...

For those people that didn't explore the school or didn't see the school library, here it is. It's only the outside. Looks good, eh? Go visit it more often!! But I heard that Sec 1s can't borrow any books yet. Ooo, sad. In case you're wondering where it is, check out the survivors' guide. If you're too lazy to do so, it's on the 3rd level of the Lee Kong Chian building. GO VISIT IT!

WOO-HOO!!! Isn't this pretty?? It's mine, Wen Lin's and Mat's hands. It forms a STAR!!! Let's wish. Haha. LOL. Try to guess whose hands is/are whose!

This is the cute, lovely rabbits and human done by ??? Please tell me your names so I can give you the credit. Must be done by girls. So boys, don't just come to me saying it's your credit. Thanks. Can you see it clearly?? It's nice, isn't it?

Look!!! Helo peopo, is your attention here? Anyways, look how beautiful a.k.a. pretty our form teacher, Miss Farah is!!! If you're wondering what she's holding, STOP GUESSING. She's holding the money we collected today. Serious. Okayye, is this pic nice???

Okayye, let's get serious here. As Mr Tay would say,"Si-ly-ious." Never mind. If you don't understand, it's okay. Cos it's not important. You see your name there? If you do, it means that you didn't do duty, and you're got to do it tomorrow, 22nd Jan. Otherwise... GREEN FORM! So these 2 people didn't do it today, 21st Jan. Please stay back tmr.

Okayye, this is a little teeny weeny sick, but it's still worth posting. You know we were talking about this right? In class? Yep, we added a few final touches. So, how does it look? It's sort of half maths and half science. What do u call it? So it's like SPERM + EGG =BABY??
united we are ; 5:17 PM
PoSt#13adrian ang gonna spam pics here....yeah....lol i so diao....

our fruit of labour...im like the onli boy who actually put in effort into this...

mat's mighty golden hand...

mine mighty golden arm...

lucky seven....whose hands were these anyways??

today social emo learning i took pic wan...so cool rite?? green bean thingy...diao...

side view of class notice board...

other side view of class notice board...

dui lian was my idea!!! The oranges look so big from this angle...diao...

moo....so extra.....who took this pic anyways??? mat rite?!
haha happy cny to all!!! and adrian chong a.k.a mummy-cum-daddy i wan my ang baos!!! inside must at least have $50 bucks hor. if not i sue u child abuse. haha juz jkin juz jkin...
united we are ; 3:48 PM
PoSt #12
Ahh... I'm almost posted on the unlucky number. Never mind. Anyways, what do I mean by sneak peek? Simple. Apparently we've finished the class notice board today, and, despite many quarrels etc, we managed to own a very unique class notice board of our own. Let's give a round of applause to those who stayed back during those many days, or weeks, I think, cos' they've put in hard work. Let's pray hard that we'll get a prize...
So all I can say is "Well done!" and I hope Miss Farah and Mr Tay, as well as other teachers, are proud of our achievement.(it's not really an achievement, but it's better than nothing, and I have nothing else to describe it...) So here's the pic. It's a little far, and a little blur. Sorry for the blunder. You'll see the magnificent and real one later. Cheerios, my friends! And remember to check out the class blog more often! Apparently only a few of us are visiting... and tagging. That's definitely NOT good news. We hope to see more response. Thanks for your co-operation. Meanwhile, just sit back and relax. Yea, go on, relax people. Don't feel shy, you're in your own house(supposedly).
united we are ; 9:31 PM
This is the other side of 1 Holiness, the opposite of Wen Lin's one...

After the guys cut the humans out, this is the remainder. I have no idea where they want to put it...

This is a picture of the conversation between Zi Jia and Mat(Matilda). Look at the fluffy clouds!!So far the notice board seems not bad... But it's still a little empty, eh?
This is the rough design of how the notice board is going to look like when it's done. Do you like it? It's designed by Matilda and many more. But she drew it. We gave ideas only.

Ahh... This is the fluffy white cute rabbit requested by many. It's made of cotton wool and some pins. We pinned it on the notice board. Wonder if it's still there... But I think 1 Graciousness people tore it out during Chinese class... Hmph. They shouldn't, you know. Perhaps ours is too nice, then they are jealous... Haha! No offence...
Ohh... And this! Apparently someone isn't very gentlemanly on that day and played a game called 'Snatch-the-bag'. The girls, including Wen Lin, me, Mat, Zi Jia, Rebecca, Yok Teng and others took his bag and threw it into the girls' toilet, just as what Wen Lin said. Haha... So I took a picture of him. LOL.

Here's the pic of the group work done by me, Sharleen, Yu Chen, Adrian Chong, Wen Lin, and Mat. During either SEL or FTI last week... I forgot...
That's all for the day! I hope you enjoy the pics from the previous post and this one. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Get more red packets too! Then we can have a class fund again... YAY!!!
P.S. By the way this is POST #11. I forgot to put it in...
united we are ; 11:46 AM
PoSt #10
WOO-HOO!!! We've officially reached 1/5 of the wishy: 50 posts...
Anyways, I have a prezzie for u all!!! Here!!! Please sit back and relax. Also, enjoy! Sorry if your face is in the pic. Perhaps I think you look photogenic so I took a picture of u. Please don't mind. Thanks. All credits go to me, Wen Lin, Zi Jia and Matilda. YAY!!!
united we are ; 11:35 AM
PoSt#9Heyys all from 1 Holiness!!! This is an ad for those music lovers.
The Winter Sonata is showing on 18th January(Sunday)from 5pm to 6pm.At the Esplanade Recital Studio.An afternoon of classical music for bassoon and harp.Tickets at $25(It's so totally worth it)This recital is a performance of great classical music(esp. the harp one)I know one of the performers. She's really good. I mean it.Go and watch if you have the time. :)
united we are ; 3:34 PM
Today was the Chinese New Year decoration. Those who did not stay back missed everything. EVERYTHING! Okay, so I will upload pictures for those who missed everything. :D Captions below the pictures. (:

We did not have enough materials, so we had to go Semei to buy somemore. But apparently, I walked too slowly, so they said Adrian Ang had to carry me. I'm WENLIN, by the way. Adrian Ang got horrified and tried to ran away. We took his bag and threw it in the girls washroom so that he could not take it. Poor Adrian.

1 Holiness~!

1 Holiness again. And that is Adrian Ang's hand. He is not that tall. He is standing on a chair.

A bunch of scary-looking seniors downstairs.

The boys sitting there, not doing anything. Haha, like me, who is busy taking pictures. (: How come she staring at me like that!?

How come she emo?
And that is the end of it. Adrian Ang will upload some another pictures himself.
Lots of love,
united we are ; 7:40 PM
POST #1Hiya Holy ones!!!
This is OUR very own class blog. Yes, you're right, it's very nicely done. If anyone wants to post any post, pls send us an email on what you want to write. We don't want to give everyone the password as we're afraid you would spam. Pls feel free to post or tag in the cbox. Teachers and all are welcomed to post too. You can send your post to my email at:
sodababypop@hotmail.com OR bez_eeyore@yahoo.com.sg For Wen Lin, Matilda, and Zi Jia's email, please ask them yourselves. Thanks for your co-operation and please don't spam the cbox either... Also, don't give us rubbish posts or we will NOT post them. Thanks again!!~Vivian~
united we are ; 4:43 PM