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AHS 1Holiness'09
united as one always , we rock !
1H'09 ; we rule .

We, are class 1 Holiness.
We're a FAMILY .
We're HORNY .
We're CARING .
We're FUN .
We're ROWDY .
We're WILD .
We're NOISY .

No spamming.
No ripping.
All prosecuters will be stripped by us. :D
Must credit us if you ripped anything from our blog.

what WE want ;

Secondary 2H'10 .
Class Tee-shirt .
Class chalet .
Good Grades .

the famous WE ;

Form Teacher: Miss Farah Irdawaty
Co-Form: Mr Patrick Tay
English: Miss Trina Chang
Science: Miss Farah Irdawaty
Mathematics: Miss Lim Geok Lian
Chinese: Miss Chua Sok Koon
Higher Chinese: Miss He Luhong
PE: Mr William Tong
Geography: Mrs S Charles
E Lit: Miss Lily Koh
ACC: Miss Tan Wan Yee
CD: Si Kai Ge

Class leader: Adrian Ang
Assistant Class Leader: Wen Lin
Secretary: Vivian
Treasurers: Siaw Min & Jean
Welfare I/Cs: Zi Jia & Matilda
School Functions I/Cs: Nicole & Xin Rong
Environmental Ambassodor: Glen & Yi Shuan

#1: Matilda!

#2: Gloria!
Girls Brigade!

#3: Yun Xi!
Girls Brigade!

#4: Xin Yun!
Chinese Orchestra!

#5: Genevieve!

#6: Jia Hui!
St John Ambulance Brigade!

#7: Zi Jia!
Harmonica Orchestra!

#8: Wen Lin!
St John Ambulance Brigade!

#9: Jean!

#10: Yok Teng!

#11: Stella!
Dance Society!

#12: Rebecca!
Girl Guides!

#13: Yi Jia!

#14: Shirlynn!
Girl Guides!

#15: Sharlyn!

#16: Shi Yun!
Chinese Orchestra!

#17: Nicole!

#18: Siaw Min!
Concert band!

#19: Vivian!
Chinese Orchestra!

#20: Xin Yi!
St John Ambulance Bridage!

#21: Yap Xin!
Girls Bridage!

#22: Adrian Chong!

#23: Adrian Ang!
Concert Band!

#24: Yi Shuai!

#25: Cedric!
Boys Bridage!

#26: Dexter!
Harmonica Orchestra!

#27: Glen!
Chinese Drama!

#28: Justin!
Harmonica Orchestra!

#29: Lionel!
Info-comm Club!

#30: Travis!

#31: Sim Wei Han!

#32: Tan Wei Han!

#33: Kelvan!

#34: Darryl!

#35: Da Sheng!
Table Tennis!

#36: Yu Chen!
English Drama Club!

#37: Jun Han!

OUR crap ;

Guys & Ladies only

Adrian Ang
Adrian Chong
Siaw Min
Wen Lin
Xin Yun
Yi Jia

1 Integrity '09
1 Compassion '09
1 Diligence '09
1 Perseverance '09
1 Respect '09
1 Responsiblity '09
OUR future FUTURE;

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

PoSt #56

Okayye... Guess the poll's up. GO!
Umm, realised our class blog is really quiet.

So please state what kind of music you want.
Then perhaps it can bring live to the class blog?
I hope so.

That's that.
It's really short, I know.
But it's just an announcement.
At least it keeps the blog alive, doesn't it?

So ta-ta!


united we are ; 8:45 PM

PoSt #55

Heyys. :]

Forgive and forget. Let's do it.

Anyways, we're gonna have a CLASS TEE right?

So we were thinking, that we should let EVERYONE choose the colour.
Then we'll go by majority.


I mean like, later they spam spam spam again. Which is ALL they know ONLY. Their studies must be kinda lousy, yeah?
So how's the idea?

So let's see... We'll let the poll go on for 2 WEEKS.
Starting from TODAY.
So on next next Wednesday, we'll look at the results and decide.

If the colour that you want ain't in the options, then click on OTHERS.
And then, tell us what colour you want. Okayye?
In case you wanna see the design, please find Mat.
She has the draft.
Our shirt is VERY VERY SPECIAL. :]
Hope everyone likes it. :)

So let the poll BEGIN!


united we are ; 8:35 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tan Wei Han & Kelvan doing pole dance during E.Lit. -,-

united we are ; 8:51 PM

Post 53rd
Hello, again. I know it's easier and more efficient if we give you guys the password to the blog. But, we already got enough trouble with spammers. Tagboard already got spammers larr. Then now you want us to give you the password? Do you know that someone already hacked into the class blog and changed every single bl__dy thing? The hacker changed everyone's names. Did you know that? I doubt that. -,-

Now, currently, only got like 5 people know the password, and already got people hack le lar. Can you imagine 37 people knowing the password?

And besides, Lionel, who said I was talking about you? You feeling guilty is it? Then I also cannot say what I want to say is it? Yeah, lar, I also say only mah, got problem with you meh?

And, Randomizer, ODD name. -Gasps- We weren't trying to imply that we're rich. We're just trying to say, you guys take us for granted. Because we do everything for you guys. Like pay everything, do the noticeboards, do your duties when you don't. And you guys, don't even bother to like thank us. Instead you blame us if anything wrong happened. And, besides, it wasn't the class committee that paid for the BBQ pit. It was like one welfare I/C, solo paid de lar. And you print out what picture? You stepping what picture? The class photo is it? I don't get pissed, doesn't mean the others don't. I nag cannot ah? It's part of my job lar. -,-


united we are ; 8:16 PM

Monday, April 27, 2009

Post 52nd.

Hey guys, it's not like we don't want to keep this blog alive lar. I agreed with Vivian. It's a class blog, we told you guys you could post by sending your post to the class email. You don't have to have the class blog password just to blog. We told you the alternative right?

It's a class blog, you guys are in it too. It's a class. Everyone plays a part larr. You can't blame us. Class committee, so what? We still humans right? We still students right? We have the same homework, same project and even more stress than you all larr. We still have to study for the tests you study for lorr. We also got CCA to go to right? If you, yourself could hardly update your own blog, or use the computer everyday, you think we can is it? Not trying to be rude here, just trying to make sense.

Have you thought of it anot? If we don't give a damn about anything, do you think you guys would still have the colorful noticeboards, which you guys think is lame. Do you think we could have won the lunar new year noticeboard competition, if we don't give a damn and ask you all to stay back, go buy things, using our own money. Do you think we could have won the cleanest class award if we don't give a damn, everyday ask you to do duty.

Everyday scold you all is it? You think we like doing what we're doing now? You don't like us lar, is it? We tell everything to Ms Farah lar, Ms Farah's pet lar.

Then the class gathering lei? BBQ lar. You think lame is it? We know it's lame also lar. But we made an effort to plan it lor. We spent $800 for the BBQ pit. We bought the food, with our own money. Like over $100 lar. Nearly a thousand le lei.

We couldn't claim the money back. 'Cause there ain't enought class funds. But did we ask you all to pay us money? What, everyone $10? Did we, did we?

Speaking of class funds, you guys blame us lar. What economy crisis? Don't want to put into class funds? If you don't put in the class funds, we cannot buy materials. Without the materials, how we win competition? Without winning competitions, how to get outstanding class award? Without that, how we get money for class chalet? Everytime say want class chalet. No money, how chalet? -,- You want chalet you pay yourself lar. You rather invest now, $1 nia, or invest $10 per person each at December holiday at one go, so you can go chalet?

See, we're willingly to invest 1 thousand, then you don't even bother to invest $1. $1 nia. Like one thousand times lar. -,-

You may think I'm like bull-ing now. But whatevs lar. I've finished what I'm going to say.


united we are ; 9:37 PM

PoSt #51

Let's put it this way. I know the blog has been dead for AGES, but seriously, we are HUMANS, which means even the president don't have time to update his blog, if he has ONE.

So you, YES YOU, need to understand that we're not as FREE as you think we are, yeah?
After all, there are exams and projects, so there's NO WAY you can juggle all these things at ONE GO, geddit?

*unless you're Superman, then I have nothing to say. :]*

So we're SORRY, very sincere already, that we haven't be updating the blog. How about we let everyone have the password? Look, there ARE pros and cons after all. We need to consider just about EVERYTHING.

Let's be optimistic. The pros first:

1. We wouldn't be ******** by ******. That would certainly save us alot of trouble. Some words are censored so as not to hurt people's FEELINGS. By the way, doing your part to keep the class blog alive AIN'T all about tagging. It's about posting.

2. It would do everyone good. Then you'll see more names. :] This really ain't a reason though, but nevermind.

3. The class blog would be more lively? But of course, there WOULD be more rumours of this and that too... :]

Cons, ohh I hate this part:

1. SOME PEOPLE from our class, the more dumb ones, would SPAM SPAM AND SPAM. And change everything on the class blog. Then there would be a riot, and then it'll be CLASS WAR 1.

2. We aren't sure 100% whether people will still post or not. Tough choice.

3. Basically it's ALL about the spammers cos' they do dumb things that we all don't like. And the more we curse and scold, the more they enjoy it. Dumb much?!?!

So they're QUITS.
What's the decision?
Actually there are more cons than pros, but I prefer not to say them too. Cos' it does sounds better, doesn't it?

this is a CLASS blog. I capitalised the CLASS word cos'...
Wait. Define CLASS.
Vague definition: A GROUP OF PUPILS.
Since it's A GROUP, then why aren't ALL playing their part?
Don't give the reason like,
1. Cos' you all didn't give us the password.
Debate: HELLO? WAKE UP. We gave you the email, we gave you a CHOICE. But you all didn't wanna move the limbs.

2. No time! Exams and projects leh!
Debate: We also NO TIME. And you are complaining. We are also part of 1 HOLINESS. We also have things that you do. Don't request anymore please. After all, ALL OF US ARE HUMANS, RIGHT?

3. Teacher's pet larhs...
Debate: Even if we are, we fought for it, didn't we? But of course, we're NOT. SO NOT. Imagine yourself in a class, WITHOUT:
-Class Tee.
-Class Blog.
-Colourful noticeboards.
-Nice teachers.

Your life would be a total BORE. Wanna give more reasons? No problem. The door's always open. Just knock the door or press the doorbell. Something 'nice' will greet you. :]

This is DEFINITELY not a threat. It's just an EXPRESSION. Geddit?
Pissed. Pissed. Pissed.

Make a choice people. We've given you it, so you have NO RIGHT to scold anymore.
Thanks. Please read this post with CONSIDERATION. Thanks again.

united we are ; 8:41 PM