Hi Students,
For EL Hol HW, please read ONE of the following books (read n reap list):
1) Going nowhere faster -By Sean Beaudoin
2) How to get suspended and influence people -By Adam Selzer
3) Bon Voyage, COnnie Pickles -By Sabine Durrant
4) The Time Traveler's Wife -By Audry Niffeneger
5) The Namesake -By Jhumpa Lahiri
6) Otherwise Pandemonium -By Nick Hornby
7) Midnight's Children -By Salman Rushdie
8) Brick Lane -By Monica Ali
9) The Joy Luck Club -By Amy Tan
10) Must love dogs: a novel -By Claire Cook
11) Take a Chance on me -by Susan Donovan
12) Skin Deep -By E.M. Crane
As you are reading the book, identify descriptive phrases which use sensory language, similes and metaphors to give a vivid description of:
1 . People / Characters
2 . Places / Scenery
3 . Emotions / Feelings
4 . Actions / Behaviour / Mannerism
5 . Objects
List as many examples in your vocab book and post some of these examples on online forum in Moodle.
For E-learning Week in Term 3 Wk 1, you would have to login to Moodle to view assignment and
submit online. Assignment will be related to the book you have read.
How to use moodle:
Please log in to http://anglican.egenie.org/. For first time login, username and password is your NRIC.
You should click on English Language -> Seconday 1.
Have a fruitful Holiday!
Miss Trina
united we are ; 2:25 PM
Hi all. mat here again. The tee sizes will be confirmed by 11.50 today. any changes would not be accepted after that.
only these are changed according to their requests:
jean- M
ms farah- XS
any other changes desired, please contact me immediately.
yours truly.
united we are ; 10:33 AM
heyos to living, breathing 1Holinessians.!
you would be delighted to know that the deposit so painstakenlly collected today has been successfully paid!!
Therefore, the only obstacle(s) to hinder our ambition of owning a class tee would be:
nonetheless, Yours truly w/ the aid of a being named yok teng, has used her aggarration skills and thus concluded:
gloria- XS
yunxi- XS
xinyun- XS
xingrong- XS
jiahui- XS
zijia- XS
wenlin- XS
jean- S
stella- XS
baka- XS
yijia- XS
shirlynn- XS
sharlyn- XS
shiyun- XS
nicole- XS
siawmin- S
vivian- XS
xinyi- S
yapxin- XS
ac- S
aa- S
yìshuan- S
cedric- S
dexter- XS
glen- S
justin- XS
lionel- M
travis- S
swh- M
twh- M
kelvan- M
darryl- S
dasheng- S
yuchen- XS
junhan- S
ms farah- S
mr tay- M
if you have any violent objections, pls sms me or call me or email me at:
Thank you 4 your kind attention.
yours sincerely,
p.s: the full cost of the shirt is 19 dollars.
p.p.s: if you didnt reply me, i will take it as you agree to my estimation and i will confirm wìth the company tmr! thank-you :D
united we are ; 4:57 PM
and guys , remember to bring thermometer tomorrow !
everyday !
until it 's announce not to bring anymore .
every tuesday , also remember to bring your e . lit . books , ya ?
or else have to stand outside .
and the design on the the class tee is decided !
the vest thing .
what color , uhhhh .
can 't remember.
price still unavailable .
united we are ; 9:40 PM
oh gosh .
the blog is dead !
ah !
okay , lame .
anyways , Mat is going to post some video up , but , uhhh .
her phone can 't post the video .
yeah , if you get what i meant .
sheeesh .
i should seriously shut up .
united we are ; 9:36 PM
Hey there, humans!! mat here.
its kinda early but... All of you are invited to PLAYMAX!!
*squeals of joy*
Its this carnival thing going on, on the 12th and 13th of June., and just wanna invite all the peeps out there, Cos its gonna b really great!! YIPEE!!
Theres gonna be:
-FOOD! ( super dog, pastamania, cavana etc.)
- SHOPPING! (Imported goods! EEK!)
- PERFORMANCES! (self-explainatory)
- GAMES! ( WII sports, giant jenga etc.)
And a whole lot of FUN!!
You guys gotta pay $10 entry fee, but its Worth it!!
will get more details frm me, and i hope alla you can come!! ( i will personally drag some of u down!)
yours truly,
p.s: Must come arh!!
united we are ; 3:39 PM