Hi people~
Sorry for not posting or tagging for such a long time. My apologies.
It's the June Hols now!
Hope everyone is happy~
Anyways, I know there are loads of homework for the holidays, but don't worry!
You won't die or suffocate cos' of homework~
Cos' I know just the thing to cure it! WOOTS!
Yes, it's...
A CLASS OUTING! (NOT TO MENTION THE VERY EXPENSIVE CLASS TEE -.-)A class outing is what we need to relax and chill with our classmates?
Agreed? Ohh just say yes. Or nod your head.
Still, the welfare I/Cs have came up with 3 brilliantly good days(I hope) to have this class outing!
Let's clap for them! -claps and cheers-
Enough of the crap.
I know you're itching to know where and when it'll be held.
You don't really need to ask why. :]
VENUE: East Coast Park
DATE: 22nd, 29th or 30th May. Please choose.*
TIME: 10am to 5pm (approximately) **
DRESS CODE: Class Tee and whatever you wanna wear at the bottom. And for goodness sake, DO WEAR SOMETHING FOR YOUR BOTTOM! :]
FOR WHAT: Bonding! We'll most likely be playing bonding games.
* Votings will be held
** The time isn't really confirmed yet. But please, please come after 10. Cos' we need time to prepare. You can leave as late as you want. :]
Okayye. So you've got all the details. But now you'll be thinking:
1. The class tee isn't even with you.
2. Bonding games are boring and dumb.
3. What if I'm the only one there?
4. EEE! So boring...
Here are the answers to your questions! Or okayye, probably remarks.
1. We'll be giving out the class tees on that day. You might be asking: What?!?! You want me to go there stark naked? NO OF COURSE NOT. You wear your home clothes here. We'll distribute the class tee to you once you reach. Whether to change or not is up to YOU.
For those who ain't going to the class outing, don't worry, cos' we'll pass the class tee to you when school reopens, yeah?
P.S. Please bring $9, whether you're going to the class outing or not. You pass us the $$$, and we'll pass you the tee. :]
2. I think the bonding games held by the welfare I/Cs won't let you down! At least I hope so. Let's wish for the best!
The motive is just to HAVE FUN IN THE SUN!
You can do anything you like! Except for swimming and getting yourself drown or trying to plant your friend in the soil or some other random things like flooding the toilets and breaking the rented bicycles. DO NOT BURN THE BICYCLES TOO!
Sad to say, I myself have no idea what we're gonna do, so I guess it's a SURPRISE.
3. Ahem. Consider carefully. This is a very very dumb question. I don't know why I put it there. Maybe just in case people really think like that.
Anyways, you yourself should make sure that your friends are going with you.
If your friends pang seh you, please please do not throw a tantrum and have mood swings and just holler at us for no special reason, yeah? It's not our fault.
So do confirm first horhs...
4. The answer is kinda similar to question 2 so you can re-read the answer again. :]
So I guess that's that for the class outing. Any enquiries, you may contact me. :]
I bet all of you have my number after the much calling and sms-ing. :] Ehehe.
Now for the class tee.
We apologise for the last minute change in design for the class tee.
But the people can't make our class tee in mind, so what can we do?
Ahem, back to point.
As I was saying, you need to pay $9 for the class tee.
The total amount is $19, but you have already paid $10 deposit, so you only need to pay $9 now. :]
I know some of you might be bankrupt now, but think about 1 Holiness~
It's worth it, I hope.
And not to mention, we should all thank MISS FARAH and give her A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE!
We were suppose to pay the full amount by next friday, but we can't. Cos' we can't meet you.
So our dearest Miss Farah is willing to help us pay first.
I guess that's all. Sorry if this post is a bit too long.
Once again, any enquiries, please contact me. :]
If you don't have my contact, then ask your friends. I bet they have~
Okayye then, so long~